# Getting started

First off, thank you for considering contributing to HospitalAid. It's people like you that make HospitalAid work. If you're trying to figure out how to get started, you're in the right place.

# On-boarding

All of our documentations can be seen on the sidebar. I'd encourage you to start from the top of the sidebar, and gradually go down when needed. This documentation is also open-sourced, if there's something that you don't find clear, do raise an issue or create a pull request.

All members of our community are expected to follow our Code of Conduct. In summary, "Don't be a jerk" in this space and you will help grow a friendly community amongst passionate people.

# Your first contribution

These are some of the contribution you can help with, and not limited to:

  • find issues with label 'first good issue'
  • review a pull request
  • file an issue
  • improve the documentation

If you're not sure where to start, chat to us at:

  • Slack channel in helpful engineering